Professor Robert M Davison, BA, MA, PhD




Robert Davison joined the Department of Information Systems in July 1992 where he is currently a Professor. Professionally, Robert serves as the Editor-in-Chief of both the Information Systems Journal and the Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries. He is also the Chair of the IFIP TC9 ICT & Society. In 2019, he was recognised as a 'Fellow of the AIS'. Robert holds/has held visiting professor appointments at Loughborough University, the University of Sydney and the University of New South Wales. His current research focuses on applications of Action Research to knowledge exchange activities and guanxi in Chinese organisations. Robert is Programme Leader of the MSc in Digital Transformation and Technological Innovation, (formerly MSc E-Business and Knowledge Management), and chairs the College of Business' Assurance of Learning Committee.

Research: Publications and Grants

Since 1993, Robert has published more than 300 academic articles and has presented his research in 56 countries. His research has been cited in SCI/SSCI 7000+ times (H=41), in Scopus 10000+ times (H=52) and in Google Scholar 20000+ times (H=70). He has been recognised since 2020 as one of the top 2% of most-cited researchers globally in his field. For a list of selected publications, see here. A complete academic curriculum vitae is available here. Since 1998, he has received approximately $5.8 million in grants as PI.

Orcid: 0000-0002-7243-3521

Teaching (2000-2025)

FB5003 - Management Information Systems (MBA) (2004-2008; 2014-2017; 2020-2025)
FB5807 - Management Information Systems (EMBA) (2004-2007)
FB8002D - Qualitative Research Methodology (DBA) (2018-2024)
IS5600 - Global Information Systems (MAGBM) (2000-2016)
IS6000 - Research Methods for the IS Manager (MSc) (2012, 2016, 2020)
IS6600 - Global IS and KM Applications in Organisations (MSc) (2017-2020)
IS6602 - Global Information Systems Consulting (MSc) (2018-2025)
IS8004 - Qualitative IS Research Methods (PhD) (2012-2017)
IS8014 - Theory and Qualitative Methods in Information Systems Research (PhD) (2018-2025)


Originally from Bristol, UK, Robert studied at Clifton College (1974-1978), Bristol Grammar School (1978-1985), then graduated from the University of Nottingham with a BA (Joint Hons) in Russian and SerboCroat (1990), and an MA in Information Technology (1991). He undertook his PhD studies in Information Systems at the City University of Hong Kong from 1993-1998. Robert is a keen hiker and explorer of wilder places.

Affiliations / Memberships


Robert is a founding member of the Association for Information Systems. From 2010-2018 he served as Chair of the Research Conduct Committee and as Data Privacy Officer. In 2021-2022 he serveed as the coordinator of the AIS College of Senior Scholars, and in 2023-2024 as the Secretary

Robert is a member of the International Federation for Information Processing’s (IFIP) Working Groups 8.2 and 9.4. He is currently (2024-2026) chair of TC9.

Personal Links and Memberships: FFI, MSF, KFBG, ORBIS, The Sabah Society, Peace Nam Chung, Digital Environment-System Coalition and the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust.

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Last revised on Nov 14th, 2024.

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