Grants awarded to Prof Robert M. Davison

Principal Investigator
TDG (1999) CyberCourses: $1,815,980.
SRG (2001) The Information Ethics of Hong Kong’s IT Professionals: $200,000.
SSRG (2002) The Accountability of Hong Kong's IT Professionals, City University of Hong Kong: $48,960.
SSRG (2003) The Influence of Societal Culture on the Attitude of Hong Kong Citizens Towards the Smart ID Card: $20,180.
SRG (2003) Preliminary Investigation into Skills Appropriate for Virtual Collaboration in Hong Kong SMEs: $142,222.
SRG (2004) Action Research Based Virtual Collaboration Interventions in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Hong Kong: $190,000.
CERG (2005) Virtual Work: Collaboration and Cooperation to Promote Knowledge Sharing between SMEs in Hong Kong and China: $716,709.
SRG (2007) The Impact of Knowledge Management Initiatives in Hong Kong and China: $172,436.
GRF (2010) Knowledge Management in the Chinese Private Sector: $560,334.
GRF (2011) Web 2.0 for Work: Social Networking in the Workspace: $628,953.
SRG (2012) Conceptualizing the Competitive Potential Perspective of Knowledge Strategizing: $71,773.
SRG (2013) Knowledge Strategy in Chinese Firms: $100,000
SRG (2014) Resistance and Workarounds: How Information Workers Gain Access to the Technology They Need, $100,000
SRG (2015) How Business Professionals Adapt to Inadequate Information Systems, $100,000
GRF (2016) How Business Professionals Adapt to Inadequate Information Systems, $518,700
GRF (2020) The Impact of Social Media on Digital Guanxi Formation in the Chinese Workplace, $499,398

SRG (2000) Determinants of Telecommuting in Hong Kong: $205,920.
SRG (2001) Identifying and Assessing Metacognitive and Motivational Strategies of Participants in a Group Support Systems Learning Environment: $189,920.
SRG (2001) Enabling and Assessing Sociocultural Learning through Group Support Systems (GSS): $200,000.
TDG (2002) Enriched Multi-Cultural Virtual Team Experiential Learning: $2,000,000.
SRG (2003) Brochureware: Design, Copyrighting and Usability Issues in an Energing Genre of Online Communication: $190,000.
CNSF (2007) Environmental scanning and knowledge acquisition of Chinese executive in dynamic time, RMB185,000.
CNSSF (2010) A study of Knowledge Sharing’s Influencing Factors and Behavior Patterns in the Internet Environment, RMB120,000.
CNSSF (2013) The impact of transactive memory systems on team performance: An empirical study from the perspective of knowledge management, RMB190,000.
CNSSF (2016) An investigation of the Antecedents and Impact of Consumer Perceived Uncertainty: Based on Institutional Mechanisms and Swift Guanxi, RMB560,000

CERG - Competitive Earmarked Research Grant
GRF - General Research Fund
SRG - Strategic Research Grant
SSRG - Small Scale Research Grant
TDG - Teaching Development Grant
CNSF - China National Science Foundation
CNSSF - China National Social Science Foundation

Last revised on November 4th, 2021