Selected Publications of Professor Robert M Davison

[Refereed Journal Articles] [Other Journal Articles] [Editorials] [Books] [Seminars] [Web Publications and Other Ephemera]

Refereed Journal Articles (Complete)


Davison, R.M. (forthcoming) Social Media and Development in a Hybrid Intentional Community in Rural Hong Kong, International Journal of Knowledge Content Development and Technology,

Chen, X.Y., Chen, R., Wei, S. and Davison, R.M. (forthcoming) Herd Behavior in Social Commerce: Understanding the Interplay between Self-Awareness and Environment-Awareness, Internet Research


Hurbean, L., Wong, L.H.M., Ou, C.X.J., Davison, R.M. and Dospinescu, O. (forthcoming) Instant messaging, interruptions, stress and work performance, Information Technology & People  38, 1, 249-278.


Davison, R.M., Wong, L.H.M. and Alter, S. (2024) Navigating Low Code's Limitations: Workarounds Can Be Essential to the Successful Completion of Work, MIS Quarterly Executive. 23, 3, 291-304.

Men, J.Q., Zheng, X.B. and Davison, R.M. (2024) The role of vicarious learning strategies in shaping consumers’ uncertainty: The case of live-streaming shopping, Internet Research 34, 3, 891-916.

Hardin, A.M., Davison, R.M., Looney, C., Schneider, C. and Sarker, S. (2024) Contextualizing Collective Efficacy in Virtual Team Research: The Essential Role of Collaborative Technologies in the Virtual Team Efficacy Conceptual Framework, Information Systems Journal 34, 2, 469-498.


Struijk, M., Angelopoulos, S., Ou, C.X.J. and Davison, R.M. (2023) Navigating Digital Transformation through an Information Quality Strategy: Evidence from a Military Organization, Information Systems Journal 33, 4, 912-952.

Wu, W., Yang, Q.W., Gong, X. and Davison, R.M. (2023) Understanding Sustained Participation in Crowdsourcng Platforms: The Role of Autonomy, Temporal Value and Hedonic Value, Information Technology & People 36, 2, 734-757.

Davison, R.M., Wong, L.H.M. and Peng, J. (2023) The Art of Digital Transformation as Crafted by a Chief Digital Officer, International Journal of Information Management  69, 102617, 1-9.


Baskerville, R.L., Davison, R.M., Kaul, M., Malaurent, J. and Wong, L.H.M. (2022) Information Systems as a Nexus of IT Systems: A New View of Information Systems Practice, Journal of Information Technology 37, 4, 387-406.

Chen, X.Y., Ou, C.X.J. and Davison, R.M. (2022) Internal or External Social Media? The Effects of Work-Related and Social-Related Use of Social Media on Improving Employee Performance, Internet Research 32, 3, 680-707.

Zheng, B.W. and Davison, R.M. (2022) Hybrid Social Media Use and Guanxi Types: How Do Employees Use Social Media in the Chinese Workplace, Information & Management 59, 4, 103643, 1-15.

Ou, C.X.J., Zhang, X.W., Angelopoulos, S., Davison, R.M. and Janse, N. (2022) Security Breaches and Organizational Response Strategy: Exploring Consumers' Threat and Coping Appraisals, International Journal of Information Management  65, 102498, 1-17.

Davison, R.M., Martinsons, M.G. and Wong, L.H.M. (2022) The Ethics of Action Research Participation, Information Systems Journal 32, 3, 573-594.

Santos-Vijande, M.L., Gomez-Rico, M., Molina-Collado, A. and Davison, R.M. (2022) Building User Engagement to Mhealth Apps from a Learning Perspective: Relationships Along Functional, Emotional and Social Drivers of User Value, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 66, 102956, 1-14.

Hu, X., Chen, Z.J., Davison, R.M. and Liu, Y.Q. (2022) Charting Consumers' Continued Social Commerce Intention, Internet Research 32, 1, 120-149.

Wong, L.H.M., Hurbean, L., Davison, R.M., Ou, C.X.J. and Muntean, M. (2022) Working Around Inadequate Information Systems in the Workplace: An Empirical study in Romania, International Journal of Information Management 64, 102471, 1-11.


Davison, R.M., Wong, L.H.M., Ou, C.X.J. and Alter, S. (2021) The Coordination of Workarounds: Insights from Responses to Misfits between Local Realities and a Mandated Enterprise System, Information & Management 58, 8, 103530, 1-12.

Chamakiotis, P., Panteli, N. and Davison, R.M. (2021) Reimagining e-Leadership for Reconfigured Virtual Teams Due to Covid-19, International Journal of Information Management 60, 102381, 1-11.

Wang, P.P., Huang, Q. and Davison, R.M. (2021) How Do Digital Influencers Affect Social Commerce Intention? The Role of Social Power and Satisfaction, Information Technology & People 34, 3, 1065-1086.

Davison, R.M., Martinsons, M.G. and Malaurent, J. (2021) Improving Action Research by Integrating Methods, Journal of the AIS 22, 3, 851-873.

Wang, Y.Y., Huang, Q., Davison, R.M. and Yang, F. (2021) Role Stressors, Job Satisfaction, and Employee Creativity: The Cross-level Moderating Role of Social Media Use within Teams, Information & Management 58, 3, 103317, 1-13

Chen, X.Y., Li, Y.R., Davison, R.M. and Liu, Y.Z. (2021) The Impact of Imitation on Chinese Social Commerce Buyers' Purchase Behavior: The Moderating Role of Uncertainty, International Journal of Information Management 56, 102262, 1-11.


Clarke, R., Davison, R.M. and Jia, W.Y. (2020) Researcher Perspective in the IS Discipline: An Empirical Study of Articles in the Basket of 8 Journals, Information Technology & People 33, 6, 1515-1541.

Davison, R.M., Ou, C.X.J. and Ng, E. (2020) Inadequate Information Systems and Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Information & Management 57, 6, 103240, 1-10

Davison, R.M. (2020) The Transformative Potential of Disruptions: A Viewpoint, International Journal of Information Management 55, 102149, 1-4.

Chen, R., Davison, R.M. and Ou, C.X.J. (2020) A Symbolic Interaction Perspective of Using Social Media for Personal and Business Communication, International Journal of Information Management 51, 102022, 1-18

Chen, R., Ou, C.X.J., Wang, W., Peng, Z. and Davison, R.M. (2020) Moving Beyond the Direct Impact of Using CRM Systems on Frontline EmployeesService Performance: The Mediating Role of Adaptive Behaviour, Information Systems Journal 30, 3, 458-491.

Clarke, R. and Davison, R.M. (2020) Through Whose Eyes? The Critical Concept of Researcher Perspective, Journal of the AIS 21, 2, 483-501.

Chen, X.Y., Wei, S.B., Davison, R.M. and Rice, R.E. (2020) How Do Enterprise Social Media Affordances Affect Social Network Ties and Job Performance? Information Technology & People 33, 1, 361-388.


Khoir, S. and Davison, R.M. (2019) The Art of Good Neighboring in Kampoeng Cyber: Community Economic Development through ICTs, Community Development 50, 5, 572-588.

Mirkovski, K., Davison, R.M. and Martinsons, M.G. (2019) The Effects of Trust and Distrust on ICT-Enabled Information Sharing in Supply Chains: Evidence from Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Two Developing Economies, International Journal of Logistics Management, 30, 3, 892-926.

Hu, X., Chen, X.Y. and Davison, R.M. (2019) Social Support, Source Credibility, Social Influence and Impulsive Purchase Behaviour in Social Shopping, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 23, 3, 297-327.

Bi, R., Davison, R.M. and Smyrnios, K.X. (2019) The Role of Top Management Participation and IT Capability in Developing SMEs' Competitive Process Capabilities, Journal of Small Business Management, 57, 3, 1008-1026.


Yin, P.Z., Ou, C.X.J., Davison, R.M. and Wu, J. (2018) Coping with Mobile Technology Overload in the Workplace, Internet Research 28, 5, 1189-1212.

Chen, Z.J., Mao, J.Y., Davison, R.M. and Wang, Z.H. (2018) When and How Authoritarian Leadership and Leader Renqing Orientation Influence Tacit Knowledge Sharing Intentions, Information & Management 55, 7, 840-849.

Wong, L.H.M. and Davison, R.M. (2018) Knowledge Sharing in a Global Logistics Provider: An Action Research Project, Information & Management 55, 5, 547-557.

Tarafdar, M. and Davison, R.M. (2018) Research in Information Systems: Intra-disciplinary and Inter-disciplinary Approaches, Journal of the AIS 19, 6, 523-551.

Wu, W., Huang, Q., Chen, X.Y., Davison, R.M. and Hua, Z.S. (2018) Social Value and Consumer Social Shopping Intention: The Moderating Role of Experience, Information Technology & People 31, 3, 688-711.

Wang, Y.Y., Huang, Q., Davison, R.M. and Yang, F. (2018) Effect of Transactive Memory Systems on Team Performance Mediated by Knowledge Transfer, International Journal of Information Management 41, 65-79.

Davison, R.M. and Ou, C.X.J. (2018) Subverting Organisational IS Policy with Feral Systems: A Case in China, Industrial Management and Data Systems 118, 3, 570-588.

Zheng, B.W., Liu, H.F. and Davison, R.M. (2018) Exploring the Relationship between Corporate Reputation and the Public’s Crisis Communication on Social Media, Public Relations Review 44, 1, 56-64.

Avison, D.E., Davison, R.M. and Malaurent, J. (2018) Information Systems Action Research: Debunking Myths and Overcoming Barriers, Information & Management 55, 2, 177-187.

Davison, R.M., Ou, C.X.J. and Martinsons, M.G. (2018) Interpersonal Knowledge Exchange in China: The Impact of Guanxi and Social Media, Information & Management 55, 2, 224-234.


Zhu, H., Liu, H.W., Ou, C.X.J., Davison, R.M. and Yang, Z.R. (2017) Privacy Preserving Mechanisms for Optimizing Cross-Organizational Collaborative Decisions Based on the Karmarkar Algorithm, Information Systems 72, 203-217.

Davison, R.M., Panteli, N., Hardin, A.M and Fuller, M.A. (2017) Establishing Effective Global Virtual Student Teams, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 60, 3, 317-329.

Martinsons, M.G., Davison, R.M. and Huang, Q. (2017) Strategic Knowledge Management Failures in Small Professional Service Firms in China, International Journal of Information Management 37, 4, 327-338.

Bi, R., Davison, R.M. and Smyrnios, K.X. (2017) E-Business and Fast Growth SMEs, Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal 48, 3, 559-576.

Khoir, S., Du, J.T., Davison, R.M. and Koronios, A.P. (2017) Contributing to Social Capital: An Investigation of Asian Immigrants’ Use of Public Library Services, Library and Information Science Research 39, 1, 34-45.

Chen, X.Y., Huang, Q. and Davison, R.M. (2017) Economic and Social Satisfaction of Buyers on Consumer-to-Consumer Platforms: The Role of Relational Capital, International Journal of Electronic Commerce 21, 2, 219-248.

Davison, R.M. and Ou, C.X.J. (2017) Digital Work in a Digitally Challenged Organization, Information & Management 54, 1, 129-137.

Chen, X.Y., Huang, Q. and Davison, R.M. (2017) The Role of Website Quality and Social Capital in Building Buyers’ Loyalty, International Journal of Information Management 37, 1, 1563-1574.

Huang, Q., Chen, X.Y., Ou, C.X.J., Davison, R.M. and Hua, Z.S. (2017) Understanding Buyers' Loyalty to a C2C Platform: The Roles of Social Capital, Satisfaction and Perceived Effectiveness of E-Commerce Institutional Mechanisms, Information Systems Journal 27, 1, 91-119.


Davison, R.M. and Martinsons, M.G. (2016) Context is King! Considering Particularism in Research Design and Reporting, Journal of Information Technology 31, 3, 241-249.

Hu, X., Huang, Q. and Davison, R.M., Zhong, X.P and Zhao, D.T. (2016) The Influence of Peer Characteristics and Technical Features of a Social Shopping Website on a Consumer’s Purchase Intention, International Journal of Information Management 36, 6, 1218-1230.

Wong, L.H.M., Ou, C.X.J., Davison, R.M., Zhu, H. and Zhang, C. (2016) Web 2.0 and Communication Processes at Work: Evidence from China, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 59, 3, 230-244.

Ou, C.X.J., Davison, R.M. and Huang, Q. (2016) The Social Networking Application Success Model: An Empirical Study of Facebook and Twitter, International Journal of Knowledge Content Development and Technology 6, 1, 5-39.

Ou, C.X.J. and Davison, R.M. (2016) Shaping Guanxi Networks at Work through Instant Messaging, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 67, 5, 1153-1168.

Ou, C.X.J., Davison, R.M. and Wong, L.H.M. (2016) Using Interactive Systems for Knowledge Sharing: The Impact of Individual Contextual Preferences in China, Information & Management 53, 2, 145-156.


Chen, X.Y., Huang, Q. and Davison, R.M., (2015) What Drives Trust Transfer? The Moderating Roles of General Institutional Mechanisms and Seller-Specific Mechanisms, International Journal of Electronic Commerce 20, 2, 261-289.

Bi, R., Davison, R.M. and Smyrnios, K.X. (2015) IT and Fast Growth Small-to-Medium Enterprise Performance: An Empirical Study in Australia, Australasian Journal of Information Systems 19, S247-S266.


Ou, C.X.J., Davison, R.M. and Leung, D. (2014) Instant Messenger-Facilitated Knowledge Sharing and Team Performance, International Journal of Knowledge Content Development and Technology 4, 2, 5-23.

Huang, Q., Davison, R.M. and Liu, H.F. (2014) An Exploratory Study of Buyers’ Participation Intentions in Reputation Systems: The Relationship Quality Perspective, Information & Management 51, 8, 952-963.

Davison, R.M., Ou, C.X.J., Martinsons, M.G., Zhao, A.Y. and Du, R. (2014) The Communicative Ecology of Web 2.0 @ Work: Social Networking in the Workspace, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 65, 10, 2035-2047.

Ou, C.X.J., Pavlou, P.A. and Davison, R.M. (2014) Swift Guanxi in Online Marketplaces: The Role of Computer-Mediated-Communication Technologies, Management Information Systems Quarterly 38, 1, 209-230 + A1-A24.


Bi, R., Davison, R.M., Kam, B. and Smyrnios, K.X. (2013) Developing Organizational Agility through IT and Supply Chain Capability, Journal of Global Information Management 21, 4, 38-55.

Yan, Y.L. and Davison, R.M. (2013) Exploring Behavioral Transfer from Knowledge Seeking to Knowledge Contributing: The Mediating Role of Intrinsic Motivation, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 64, 6, 1144-1157.

Yan, Y.L., Davison, R.M. and Mo, C.Y. (2013) Employee Creativity Formation: The Roles of Knowledge Seeking, Knowledge Contributing and Flow Experience in Web 2.0 Virtual Communities, Computers in Human Behavior 29, 5, 1923-1932.

Davison, R.M., Ou, C.X.J. and Martinsons, M.G. (2013) Information Technology to Support Informal Knowledge Sharing, Information Systems Journal 23, 1, 89-109.


Davison, R.M., Martinsons, M.G. and Ou, C.X.J. (2012) The Roles of Theory in Canonical Action Research, Management Information Systems Quarterly 36, 3, 763-786.

Zhong, X.P., Huang, Q., Davison, R.M., Yang, X. and Chen, H.P. (2012) Empowering Teams through Social Network Ties, International Journal of Information Management 32, 3, 209-220.


Ou, C.X.J. and Davison, R.M. (2011) Interactive or Interruptive: Instant Messaging at Work, Decision Support Systems 52, 1, 61-72.

Davison, R.M. and Martinsons, M.G. (2011) Methodological Practice and Policy for Organisationally and Socially Relevant IS Research: An Inclusive-Exclusive Perspective, Journal of Information Technology 26, 4, 288-293.

Huang, Q., Davison, R.M. and Gu, J.B. (2011) The Impact of Trust, Guanxi Orientation and Face on the Intention of Chinese Employees and Managers to Engage in Peer-to-Peer Tacit and Explicit Knowledge Sharing Information Systems Journal 21, 6, 557-577.

Yan, Y.L. and Davison, R.M. (2011) Using Decision Support Systems in Chinese Enterprises: A Study of Managerial Information Behaviour, Information Development 27, 1, 15-31.


Ou, C.X.J., Davison, R.M., Zhong, X.P. and Li, Y. (2010) Empowering Employees Through Instant Messaging, Information Technology & People 23, 2, 193-211.


Davison, R.M., Martinsons, M.G., Ou, C.X.J., Murata, K., Drummond, D., Li, Y. and Lo, H.W.H. (2009) The Ethics of IT Professionals in Japan and China, Journal of the AIS 10, 11, 834-859.

Davison, R.M., Martinsons, M.G., Li, Y. and Lo, H.W.H. (2009) The Ethics of IT Professionals in China, Communications of the ACM 52, 7, 153-155.

Martinsons, M.G., Davison, R.M. and Martinsons, V. (2009) How Culture Influences IT-enabled Organizational Change and Information Systems, Communications of the ACM 52, 4, 118-123.

Ou, C.X.J. and Davison, R.M. (2009) Why eBay Lost to TaoBao in China: The Glocal Advantage, Communications of the ACM 52, 1, 145-148.


Davison, R.M. and Ou, C.X.J. (2008) Guanxi, Knowledge and Online Intermediaries in China, Chinese Management Studies 2, 4, 281-302.

Huang, Q., Davison, R.M. and Gu, J.B. (2008) Impact of Personal and Cultural Factors on Knowledge Sharing in China, Asia Pacific Journal of Management 25, 3, 451-471.

Huang, Q., Davison, R.M., Liu, H.F. and Gu, J.B. (2008) The Impact of Leadership Style on Knowledge Sharing Intentions in China, Journal of Global Information Management 16, 4, 67-91.

Khalifa, M. and Davison, R.M. (2008) Explaining the Intended Continuance Level of Telecommuting, International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management 5, 3, 264-294.


Martinsons, M.G. and Davison, R.M. (2007) Culture’s Consequences for IT Application and Business Process Change: A Research Agenda, International Journal of Enterprise and Internet Management 5, 2, 158-177.

Martinsons, M.G. and Davison, R.M. (2007) Strategic Decision Making and Support Systems: Comparing American, Chinese and Japanese Management, Decision Support Systems 43, 1, 284-300.

Hardin, A.M., Fuller, M. and Davison, R.M. (2007) I Know I Can, But Can We? Culture and Efficacy Beliefs in Global Virtual Teams, Small Group Research 38, 1, 1-26.

Fuller, M.A., Hardin, A. and Davison, R.M. (2007) Efficacy in Technology-Mediated Distributed Teams, Journal of Management Information Systems 23, 3, 209-235.


Khalifa, M. and Davison, R.M. (2006) SME Adoption of IT: The Case of Electronic Trading Systems, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 53, 2, 275-284.

Davison, R.M., Li, Y. and Kam, C.S.P. (2006) Web-Based Data Collection in China, Journal of Global Information Management 14, 3, 70-89.

Pauleen, D.J., Evaristo, R., Davison, R.M., Ang, S., Alanis, M. and Klein, S. (2006) Cultural Bias in Information Systems Research and Practice: Are you Coming from the Same Place I Am? Communications of the AIS 17, 17, 354-372.

Davison, R.M., Martinsons, M.G., Lo, H.W.H. and Kam, C.S.P. (2006) Ethical Values of IT Professionals: Evidence from Hong Kong, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 53, 1, 48-58.


Davison, R.M., Vreede, G.J. de and Briggs, R.O. (2005) On Peer Review Standards for the Information Systems Literature, Communications of the AIS 16, 49, 967-980.

Davison, R.M., Wagner, C. and Ma, L.C.K. (2005) From Government to eGovernment: A Transition Model, Information Technology & People 18, 3, 180-199.

Panteli, N. and Davison, R.M. (2005) The Role of Subgroups in the Communication Patterns of Global Virtual Teams, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 48, 2, 191-200.

Davison, R.M., Vogel, D.R. and Harris, R.W. (2005) The E-Transformation of Western China, Communications of the ACM 48, 4, 62-66.


Davison, R.M., Martinsons, M.G. and Kock, N. (2004) Principles of Canonical Action Research, Information Systems Journal 14, 1, 65-86.


Kock, N.F. and Davison, R.M. (2003) Dealing with Plagiarism in the IS Research Community: A Look at Factors that Drive Plagiarism and Ways to Address Them, Management Information Systems Quarterly 27, 4, 511-532.

Davison, R.M., Fuller, M. and Hardin, A. (2003) E-Consulting in Virtual Negotiations, Group Decision and Negotiation 12, 6, 517-535.

Davison, R.M., Smith, H.J., Clarke, R., Langford, D. and Kuo, B.F.Y. (2003) Information Privacy in a Globally Networked Society: Implications for IS Research, Communications of the AIS 12, 22, 341-365.

Vreede, G.J. de, Davison, R.M. and Briggs, R.O. (2003) How a Silver Bullet May Lose Its Shine, Communications of the ACM 46, 8, 96-101.

Kock, N.F. and Davison, R.M. (2003) Can Lean Media Support Knowledge Sharing? Investigating a Hidden Advantage of Process Improvement, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 50, 2, 151-163.

Davison, R.M. (2003) Discussants and the Quality of Interaction at Conferences, Communications of the AIS 11, 7, 128-136.


Khalifa, M.K., Kwok, R.C.W. and Davison, R.M. (2002) The Effects of Process and Content Facilitation Restrictiveness on GSS-mediated Collaborative Learning, Group Decision & Negotiation 11, 5, 345-361.

Davison, R.M. and Martinsons, M.G. (2002) Empowerment or Enslavement: A Case of Process Based Organisational Change in Hong Kong, Information Technology & People 15, 1, 42-59.

Davison, R.M. (2002) Cultural Complications of ERP, Communications of the ACM 45, 7, 109-111.


Vogel, D.R., Davison, R.M. and Shroff, R.H. (2001) Sociocultural Learning: A Perspective on GSS-Enabled Global Education, Communications of the AIS 7, 9, 1-41.

Davison, R.M., Kock, N.F., Loch, K.D. and Clarke, R. (2001) Research Ethics in Information Systems: Would a Code of Practice Help?, Communications of the AIS 7, 4, 1-39.

Davison, R.M. (2001) GSS and Action Research in the Hong Kong Police Force, Information Technology and People 14, 1, 60-77.


Davison, R.M., Qureshi, S., de Vreede, G.J., Vogel, D.R. and Jones, A.N. (2000) Group Support Systems Through the Lens of Action Research: Experiences in Organisations, Journal of Global IT Management 3, 4, 6-23.

Davison, R.M. and Briggs, R.O. (2000) GSS for Presentation Support: Supercharging the Audience through Simultaneous Discussions during Presentations, Communications of the ACM 43, 9, 91-97.

Davison, R.M. (2000) Professional Ethics in Information Systems: A Personal Perspective, Communications of the AIS 3, 8, 1-34.

Davison, R.M. (2000) The Role of GSS in Requirements Specification, Group Decision and Negotiation 9, 2, 149-160.

Davison, R.M. and Vogel, D.R. (2000) Group Support Systems in Hong Kong: An Action Research Project, Information Systems Journal 10, 1, 3-20.

Khalifa, M.K. and Davison, R.M. (2000) Exploring the Telecommuting Paradox, Communications of the ACM 43, 3, 29-31.

Davison, R.M., Vogel, D.R., Harris, R.W. and Jones, N. (2000) Technology Leapfrogging in Developing Countries: An Inevitable Luxury? Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 1, 5, 1-10.


Davison, R.M. (1999) An Instrument for Measuring Meeting Success: Revalidation and Modification, Information & Management 36, 6, 321-328.

Martinsons, M.G., Davison, R.M. and Tse, D.S.K. (1999) The Balanced Scorecard: A Foundation for the Strategic Management of Information Systems, Decision Support Systems 25, 1, 71-88.

Harris, R.W. and Davison, R.M. (1999) Anxiety and Involvement: Cultural Dimensions of Attitudes Towards Computers in Developing Societies, Journal of Global Information Management 7, 1, 26-38.


Kamel, N.K. and Davison, R.M. (1998) Applying CSCW Technology to Overcome Traditional Barriers in Group Interactions, Information & Management 34, 4, 209-220.

Davison, R.M. and Jordan, E. (1998) Group Support Systems: Barriers to Adoption in a Cross-Cultural Setting, Journal of Global Information Technology Management 1, 2, 37-50.


Burn, J.M., Davison, R.M. and Jordan, E. (1997) The Information Society - A Cultural Fallacy?, The Journal of Failures and Lessons Learned in IT Management 1, 4, 219-232.

Davison, R.M. (1997) An Instrument for Measuring Meeting Success, Information & Management 32, 4, 163-176.

Other Journal Articles (Very Selected)

Brown, O., Davison, R.M., ... (2024) Theory Driven Perspectives on Generative Artificial Intelligence in Business and Management, British Journal of Management 35, 3-23.

Dwivedi, Y.K., ... Davison, R.M., ... (2023) So What if ChatGPT Wrote it? Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Opportunities, Challenges and Implications of Generative Conversational AI for Research, Practice and Policy, International Journal of Information Management 71, 102642, 1-63.

Dwivedi, Y.K., ... Davison, R.M., ... (2022) Climate Change and COP26: Are Digital Technologies and Information Management Part of the Problem or the Solution? An Editorial Reflection and Call to Action, International Journal of Information Management, 63, 102456, 1-39.

Beath, C., Chan, Y., Davison, R.M., Dennis, A.R. and Recker, J. (2021) Editorial Board Diversity at the Basket of Eight Journals: A Report to the College of Senior Scholars, Communications of the AIS, 48, 1, 30, 236-247.

Davison, R.M. and Martinsons, M.G. (2016) Small Data, Smart Analysis, Big Impact, City Business Magazine, Autumn, 42-47.

Editorials (complete)

Davison, R.M. (2025) Reviews, Recommendations and Decisions: Contrasting Perspectives, Information Systems Journal, 35, 2,

Davison, R.M., Karanasios, S. and Chatterjee, S. (2025) Fit, Scope and the Shifting Baseline: Is Your Submission Likely to be Desk Rejected?, Information Systems Journal 35, 1,

Davison, R.M. (2024) Ethics III: The Ethics of Editing, Information Systems Journal, 34, 6, 1835-1837.

Davison, R.M. (2024) Evolving Editorial Boards, Information Systems Journal 34, 5, 1833-1834.

Davison, R.M., Chughtai, H., Nielsen, P., Marabelli, M., Ianacci, F., van Offenbeek, M., Tarafdar, M., Trenz, M., Techatassanasoontorn, A.A., Diaz Andrade, A. and Panteli, N. (2024) The Ethics of using Generative AI for Qualitative Data Analysis, Information Systems Journal 34, 5, 1433-1439.

Davison, R.M. (2024) Article Production Changes at the ISJ and Their Consequences, Information Systems Journal 34, 3, 585.

Davison, R.M., Scheepers, R., Henningsson, S. and Karanasios, S. (2024) The Virtue of brevity, Information Systems Journal 34, 2, 287-292.

Davison, R.M. and Chatterjee, S. (2024) Ethics I: Authors and their Research, Information Systems Journal 34, 1, 1-5.

Davison, R.M., Marabelli, M., Tim, Y. and Beath, C. (2023) The Practitioner Perspective, Information Systems Journal 33, 6, 1455-1458.

Davison, R.M. (2023) Quirks, Neologisms, Provocations and the Mundane: Titles and Interpretations, Information Systems Journal 33, 6, 1275-1278.

Davison, R.M., Laumer, S., Wong, L.H.M. and Tarafdar, M. (2023) Pickled Eggs: Generative AI as Research Assistant or Co-author?, Information Systems Journal 33, 5, 989-994.

Díaz Andrade, A., Tarafdar, M., Davison, R.M., Hardin, A., Techatassanasoontorn, A.A., Lowry, P.B., Chatterjee, S. & Schwabe, G. (2023) The Importance of Theory at the Information Systems Journal, Information Systems Journal 33, 4, 693-702.

Davison, R.M. and Lowry, P.B. (2023) Addressing the Implications of Recent Developments in Journal Impact Factors, Information Systems Journal 33, 3, 419-436.

Davison, R.M. (2023) Impact and Implications for Practice, Information Systems Journal 33, 2, 187-191.

Davison, R.M., Majchrzak, A.,  Hardin, A. and Ravishankar, M.N. (2023) Special Issue on Responsible IS Research for a Better World, Information Systems Journal 33, 1, 1-7.

Davison, R.M. (2022 Special Issues, Information Systems Journal 32, 6, 1093-1096.

Davison, R.M. and Tarafdar, M. (2022) Do Scholarly Journals Have Cultural Values? Information Systems Journal 32, 5, 927-931.

Davison, R.M. (2022) Creating a culture: Reviewing expectations in EJISDC, Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 88, 4, e12222.

Techatassanasoontorn, A.A. and Davison, R.M. (2022) Scholarly Conversation through a Review Response Document, Information Systems Journal 32, 4, 691-695.

Struijk, M., Ou, C.X.J., Davison, R.M. and Angelopoulos, S. (2022) Putting the IS Back into IS Research, Information Systems Journal 32, 3, 469-472.

Davison, R.M. (2022) Special Issue: The Digital Transformation of Africa, Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 88, 3, 1-2.

Hardin, A., Schneider, C. and Davison, R.M. (2022) Established Theory Rejection, Information Systems Journal 32, 1, 1-4.

Davison, R.M. (2021) Special Issue: Indigenous Theory, Information Systems Journal 31, 6, 767-768.

Tarafdar, M. and Davison, R.M. (2021) The Associate Editor and Senior Editor Roles at Premier IS Journals, Information Systems Journal 31, 4, 515-520.

Davison, R.M. (2021) Diversity and Inclusion at the ISJ, Information Systems Journal 31, 3, 347-355.

Chatterjee, S. and Davison, R.M. (2021) The Need for Compelling Problematization in Research: The Prevalence of the Gap-Spotting Approach and its Limitations, Information Systems Journal 31, 2, 227-230.

Davison, R.M. (2021) From Ignorance to Familiarity: Contextual Knowledge and the Field Researcher, Information Systems Journal 31, 1, 1-6

Tarafdar, M. and Davison, R.M. (2020) The Art of Referencing, Information Systems Journal 30, 5, 787-790.

Nielsen, P. and Davison, R.M. (2020) Predatory Journals: A Sign of an Unhealthy Publish or Perish Game, Information Systems Journal 30, 4, 635-638.

Davison, R.M. and Harris, R.W. (2020) Maximising Your Chance of Acceptance in EJISDC, Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 86, 3, 1-2.

Schneider, C., Hardin, A. and Davison, R.M. (2020) On Tailoring and Hand-Me-Downs, Information Systems Journal 30, 3, 427-430.

Cecez-Kecmanovic, D., Davison, R.M., Fernandez, W., Finnegan, P., Pan, S.L. and Sarker, S. (2020) Advancing Qualitative IS Research Methodologies: Expanding Horizons and Seeking New Paths, Journal of the AIS 21, 1, 246-263.

Davison, R.M. (2020) Research Contributions: The Role of the Iconoclast, Information Systems Journal 30, 2, 215-219.

Davison, R.M. (2020) Which Journal Characteristics Best Invite Submissions? Information Systems Journal 30, 1, 1-5.

Davison, R.M. and Bjørn-Andersen, N. (2019) Do We Care About the Societal Impact of our Research? The Tyranny of the H-Index, Information Systems Journal 29, 5, 989-993.

Davison, R.M. (2019) For Whom Do We Write? Information Systems Journal 29, 3, 577-581.

Davison, R.M. (2019) On Serendipity: The Happy Discovery of Unsought Knowledge, Information Systems Journal 29, 2, 275-278.

Davison, R.M. (2019) The Art of Vivacious Variance, Information Systems Journal 29, 1, 1-5.

Davison, R.M. and Díaz Andrade, A. (2018) Promoting Indigenous Theory, Information Systems Journal 28, 5, 759-764.

Davison, R.M. and Tarafdar, M. (2018) Shifting Baselines in Information Systems Research Threaten Our Future Relevance, Information Systems Journal 28, 4, 587-591.

Davison, R.M. (2018) The Ethics of Extended Revisions, Information Systems Journal 28, 2, 263-265.

Davison, R.M. (2018) Researchers and the Stakeholder’s Perspective, Information Systems Journal 28, 1, 1-5.

Davison, R.M. (2017) The Limitations of Limitations, Information Systems Journal 27, 6, 695-697.

Davison, R.M. (2017) Why Are You Submitting to the ISJ?, Information Systems Journal 27, 5, 555-558.

Davison, R.M. (2017) An Eye for Detail, Information Systems Journal 27, 3, 233-235

Davison, R.M. (2017) Appreciating Alien Thinking, Information Systems Journal 27, 2, 121-124.

Davison, R.M. (2017) Transition Arrangements to a New Editorial Structure, Information Systems Journal 27, 1, 1-3.

Davison, R.M. (2016) The Art of Storytelling, Information Systems Journal 26, 3, 191-194.

Davison, R.M. (2015) The Art of Constructive Reviewing, Information Systems Journal 25, 5, 429-432.

Davison, R.M. (2014) Cultural Bias in Reviews and Mitigation Options, Information Systems Journal 24, 6, 475-477.

Davison, R.M. (2014) Context in IS Research, Information Systems Journal 24, 3, 203-205.

Davison, R.M. (2013) Peer Reviews, Information Systems Journal 23, 5, 377-379.

Davison, R.M. (2012) Novelty in IS Research, Information Systems Journal 22, 6, 407-409.

Davison, R.M., Sia, S.K. and Dong. X.Y. (2008) Introduction to the Special Issue on Information Systems in China, Information Systems Journal 18, 4, 325-330.

Martinsons, M.G. and Davison, R.M. (2003) Cultural Issues and IT Management: Looking Ahead, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 50, 1, 113-117.

Davison, R.M. and Martinsons, M.G. (2003) Cultural Issues and IT Management: Past and Present, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 50, 1, 3-7.

Davison, R.M. and Vreede, G.J. de (2001) The Global Application of Collaborative Technology, Communications of the ACM, 44, 12, 69-70.

Books (complete)

Davison, R.M. (2024) The Humble Art of Journal Editing, Springer, Cham, 140pp

Davison, R.M. (Ed.) (2023) Handbook of Qualitative Information Systems Research Methods, Edward Elgar, 406pp.

Davison, R.M., Harris, R.W., Qureshi, S., Vogel, D.R. and Vreede, G.H. de (Eds.) (2005) Information Systems in Developing Countries: Theory and Practice, City University of Hong Kong Press, 289pp.


The cultural values of scholarly journals

The art of digital transformation: CDO experiences

The coordination of workarounds: When a global enterprise system is not local

Canonical action research: Method, principles and an illustration

Research Problematisation

Publishing in International Journals

An Editor’s Perspective of Information Systems

Web Publications and Other Ephemera

Davison, R.M. (2018) High Impact Research that is Relevant, Responsible and Consumable, Responsible Research in Business and Management:

Davison, R.M. (2016) Ten Questions with Robert M. Davison, AIS Insider:

Davison, R.M. (2010) The (Lost) Art of Enjoying Paper Writing: Or How To Ensure that Evil Reviewers with Personality Disorders Don't Get the Better of You!, Unpublished manuscript.

Davison, R.M. (1998) An Action Research Perspective of Group Support Systems: How to Improve Meetings in Hong Kong, PhD Dissertation, Dept of Information Systems, City University of Hong Kong:

Davison, R.M. (1998) An Instrument for Measuring Meeting Processes, Survey Instruments in Information Systems Repository (MISQ Discovery),

Last revised on Oct 31st, 2024