
We are pleased that your paper has been accepted to the Thirty-Eighth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-38).   If your paper was "conditionally accepted" -- requiring mandatory changes -- final acceptance is conditional upon submission of your revised paper via the file submission site by September 15.  (Optional changes must also be made by that date.)

The HICSS-38 Proceedings will be published and distributed by the Computer Society Press of the IEEE and listed in its publication brochures. You must follow the IEEE Proceedings Guidelines and their deadlines to ensure that the Proceedings are ready for distribution at the Conference in January. 

These are the exact steps that you must complete by 5pm PST, September 15:  

 Use the following information to access your account:
    -- Conference ID: HICSS38
    -- Your Email Address:
    -- Password: (as given to you in your acceptance letter)

Revise your paper (with either optional or mandatory changes) based on the reviewer(s) evaluation of your submission.

·         Check to make sure your paper information is correct - In the "File Status" table click on the ID of your paper (PIDXXXXX) and make any updates as needed, specifically paper title, (all) authors, and author ordering.  When finished, click on the "Update Paper Information" button to submit your changes. 


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