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Miss Cheng Pui Man, Bonnie

Miss Cheng Wai Mun, Janet

Miss Lai Ming Ha, Rita

Mr. Ng, Conrad


The web-based Environmental Monitoring Information System (EMIS) streamlines the existing EM&A process and facilitates comprehensive environmental management through data analysis, report generation and the issue of reminders.

EMIS helps users:

  1. Input, access and retrieve monitoring data from centralised data storage. This minimises the potential time lag in the process of data collection, analysis and remedial action undertaking.
  2. Generate an appropriate warning and action plan when the data be monitored exceed the prescribed level.
  3. Produce concise data summary and reports for management purposes.

Brief Description

In the conventional EM&A process, measured data are either recorded on-site with predefined data entry forms or obtained later from the laboratory if chemical analysis is required. When the measured results are available, it will usually take at least a few days to publish the data to the Client or other relevant parties due to the administrative work involved. The turnaround time is thus considered to be long and unnecessary. Furthermore, if noncompliance is observed, the time lag may make immediate remedial action impossible and compromise the original intention of the monitoring system.

A web-based information system is therefore proposed to minimise the potential time lag delay throughout the process of data collection, analysis and remedial action. This EMIS allows site staff to input collected data with a web interface. The data entered will then be processed and stored in the central data server. Auditors will then be able to access and retrieve relevant data in a timely fashion. Reports generated from the EMIS are also readily available for the management staff to review and approve.

Main Page of the EMIS

View Data of the Monitoring Parameter

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